Women's Ministry News

Upcoming Events

  • March 21st-23rd - Evangelical Women's Retreat in Newport
  • April 26th at 9:00am - Celebrate Spring Breakfast & Planting (Sweet Home)
  • May 10th at 10am - Mother's Day Tea - Natalie Harrington will be sharing HerStory

Ongoing Ministries

Mom's Connection

A weekly Bible Study and time of fellowship for moms.  Childcare provided.

Weekly starting Thursday, January 16th at 9:30am

Women's Bible Study

A eight week Bible Study on the Book of Nehemiah.

Meets weekly, starting Thursday, January 16th at 3:00pm

Quilting Group

Every 3rd Saturday of the month, 9am at the church.  

Next meeting March 15th.

Book Club

Sunday's after service, at 12:30pm at the church

Next meeting March 23rd.

Let's Do Lunch

Ladies lunch group, meets the last Monday of each month.

12:00pm - 1:00pm. Next meeting is March 31st at noon.

Men to Men Ministry News

Men's breakfast every third Saturday of the month at the church.  Join us for fellowship around the table from 7:30am  - 9:00am.  Men of all ages are invited.  Next meeting will be March 16th at 7:30am