Upcoming Events
- March 7th at 6:00pm - Dinner Belle Café
- March 21st-23rd - Evangelical Women's Retreat in Newport
- April 26th at 9:00am - Celebrate Spring Breakfast & Planting (Sweet Home)
- May 10th at 10am - Mother's Day Tea - Natalie Harrington will be sharing HerStory
Ongoing Ministries
Mom's Connection
A weekly Bible Study and time of fellowship for moms. Childcare provided.
Weekly meetings starting Thursday, January 16th at 9:30am
Women's Bible Study
A Bible Study on the Book of Nehemiah.
Weekly meeting starts, Thursday, January 16th at 3:00pm
Quilting Group
Every 3rd Saturday of the month, 9am at the church.
Next meeting February 16th .
Book Club
Sunday's after service, at 12:30pm at the church
Next meeting January 26th.
Let's Do Lunch
Ladies lunch group, meets the last Monday of each month.
12:00pm - 1:00pm. Next meeting is January 27th at noon.